Instacart Delivery


Woodman's Great Selection - Now Available On Instacart!

In addition to the online shopping services offered at, you are now able to shop Woodman's great selection and value on and the Instacart app!

To place an order with Woodman's on Instacart, simply click "Start Shopping" below to place your order.  Your personal Instacart shopper will then visit our store to shop for your items, and then deliver them straight to your door!




Frequently Asked Questions:

Does Instacart delivery to my address? Please visit to verify you are able to place an order to your specific address.  

Who shops my order? All Instacart orders are shopped by the Instacart shoppers selected within the Instacart platform.  Your shopper will hand-pick your items, appropriately pack, and deliver your items straight to your door.

When do I get my groceries? You are able to schedule your delivery on the Instacart platform.  Based on availability, you may be able to place an order for delivery within a few hours, or you can schedule deliveries a few days out.

Do I tip my Instacart shopper? Tipping is optional and is paid directly to your shopper.

What if an item is out of stock? If an item on your list is out of stock, your Instacart shopper will select an item that is comparable in brand, flavor, size and price.